Lorna Saunders
November 2021
NYC H+H/Woodhull
United States




With her increasing nursing experiences, Mrs. Saunders developed more patience, listening skills, problem-solving techniques, and compassionate care for patients, families, and staff.
Mrs. Lorna Saunders RN, has been a Staff nurse for the past 14 years at NYC H+H/Woodhull on the Medical/Surgical Unit 8100. Her determination to pursue a high level of education led her to complete her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Arlington Texas. Her early years as a new clinical nurse helped her to become a strong, mature young lady facing the challenges of a prudent preceptor for her unit. Over the years, Mrs. Saunders's potential as a calm and astute nurse leader gained the respect of her co-workers and managers. With her increasing nursing experiences, Mrs. Saunders developed more patience, listening skills, problem-solving techniques, and compassionate care for patients, families, and staff. Mrs. Saunders's crowning moments are when her very sick patients recover and walk out of the hospital healthy and able to be with their loved ones, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mrs. Saunders stated that her greatest task is to continuously work hard with her peers on improving the patient experience for the unit. She will continue mentoring, precepting, and encouraging the new nurses using Florence Nightingale’s philosophy for compassionate nursing. Even when she is tired, Mrs. Saunders travels several miles and crosses states to come to work. With joy on her face, enthusiasm, and professionalism she continues to provide and ensure quality care is given to the patients. Mrs. Saunders is an optimistic and aspiring team leader.