Lindsey Kipp
February 2024
Critical Care Resuscitation Unit (CCRU)
University of Maryland Medical Center
United States
She had an excellent patient-centered attitude and was an invaluable member of the team.
Earlier this morning, I had the opportunity to work with Lindsey Kipp in taking care of a critically ill patient. I wanted to share that Lindsey did a phenomenal job and was a large part of why the patient is still alive. We had a patient with a tracheo-innominate fistula bleeding out in the CCRU. Unfortunately, the stoma hole was too small for my fingers to effectively apply pressure for the Utley maneuver. Lindsey stepped in to place her finger to apply pressure and succeed. She proceeded to hold pressure for nearly the next 5 hours while we took the patient to the OR, got the patient ready for the procedure, throughout the procedure until we were able to deploy the stent to stop the bleeding. Throughout this time, she had an excellent patient centered attitude and was an invaluable member of the team. She is truly amazing and I really appreciate her dedication to patient care.