Leah Petty
March 2023
Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center
United States




She advocates for her patients and is not afraid to take the steps necessary to make sure her concerns are both heard and addressed by our providers.
Leah is 100% dedicated to providing excellent patient care. She is the most genuine person I have had the pleasure of working with, and I would trust her with any of my loved ones' lives. She is an excellent mentor, and the nurse I strive to become one day. She advocates for her patients and is not afraid to take the steps necessary to make sure her concerns are both heard and addressed by our providers. In addition to her dedication to her own patients, she is an excellent team player and never acts as though she is being inconvenienced when she is asked for a helping hand. She is well known for staying after her shift is over to tie up any loose ends. She is a light in a place where so much darkness can be found. I am honored to work alongside her.