Laura Summy
January 2021
Augusta Health
United States




She met with me and my husband to discuss when, what, and why she was there. She is so very knowledgeable, compassionate, and calm in her demeanor.
My 92-year-old mother currently suffers from a host of ailments. Her most recent, to add is COVID-19, in addition, a deep sacral ulcer. My mom is bedfast, blind, has dementia, but remains a fighter. When she was diagnosed with COVID, everyone thought she would never survive. Let me back up, Mom has always lived with my sister, but she suffered a near fatal Ml in July. She was sent to UVA where she had a quadruple bypass leaving me and my husband to care for my mom.

Mom's recent stay at AMC (COVID) left her in a weakened state as she refused to eat or drink for weeks. She was eventually sent home with Hospice. "HOSPICE"---who are they, what do they do, what does that mean, my mom is dying--at my house--NO WAY—I can't do this. Then, I met Laura Summy. I felt like I have known her for years. She met with me and my husband to discuss when, what, and why she was there. She is so very knowledgeable, compassionate, and calm in her demeanor. Laura is a very skilled nurse. She has answers to all our questions. She is so concerned with my mom, me, and my husband. I am sure she loves and cares for all her other patients as well.

Laura is the perfect Hospice nurse. I was afraid and confused about the whole process. But, Laura continues to educate my family every time she visits our home. I am uncertain what lies ahead for my mom, but I am confident with Laura, Mom has the best, most devoted nurse to go through it with her. I so hope Laura would be recognized for the intelligent, compassionate, and skilled Hospice Nurse she is. We count it a blessing from God that He chooses Laura to care for my mom now and possibly ME in the future.