Laura Papadopolus
March 2019
Riverside Regional Medical Center
Newport News
United States




My son, A, was admitted to RRMC for three days. During one of the shifts, Laura Papadopolus was his nurse. My wife and I can assure you that in all the years A has been receiving medical care in a multitude of settings (he's now 31), we've never seen anyone like Laura. From the moment we met her it was clear she was special. Immediately when she came into the room she was genuinely engaged in A's case and wanted to know more. She had so many good, insightful, relevant questions we could tell she was trying to form a comprehensive mental database regarding his past health issues and what brought him back to the hospital this time. It was so refreshing to have someone completely concerned with our son's condition and wanting to know the best ways to help him. She is a terrific listener and that was very reassuring to us and A.
Even when talking to me or my wife, Laura would be close to A and look directly at him. This was great because it let A know she was there specifically to help him. He was unusually calm and cooperative whenever Laura had procedures to accomplish or data to collect, even during the overnight hours. She is so thorough, and we could tell she was always thinking about the "next step" to make sure all aspects of A's care were covered. She even came in during the early morning hours to do an ultrasound on his bladder because she was concerned about kidney function. No one prompted her to do this, she was just thinking about A and what more she could do to ensure his recovery.
Without a doubt, RRMC has many capable, highly-competent, and caring nurses. Laura is one of the most spectacular in this regard. However, as my sister, a practicing nurse with more than 30 years' experience tells me, "It takes more than practical skill to be a truly great nurse". My sister is a nursing instructor and said people like Laura are the reason she teaches and finding a "gem" like her is the most satisfying and encouraging part of her career.
At the end of Laura's shift, she was handing off to the nurse replacing her. I was astounded at her recall of all the details of A's history and everything that transpired during her shift. It was as if she'd read a book on his life. She never treated him like "Patient X in Room Y". As parents of a profoundly handicapped child, I can't overstate how important Laura's genuine concern, interest in, and gentleness toward our son was to my wife and me. Laura is a true DAISY Nurse.