Kwabena (Kobe)
December 2023
Kwabena (Kobe)
RN Graduating Student
Hostos Community College
United States




The patient could not stop thanking Kobe and repeatedly said to me, "Your student is very caring and respectful. he made me feel great."
I cannot express how much admiration I have for this student, Kobe during every clinical. Kobe is a respectful and very caring person.

On this specific clinical day, Kobe impressed not only the patient but also the nursing staff including his clinical mates and myself. As an instructor, I went to this patient on Labor and Delivery who was fully dilated at +2 station and asked the patient if it was okay for 2 of my students to observe the delivery process, however one of them is a male student. Patient took few minutes and replied, "Yes, they can, but I do not want the male student to touch me."   My reply was "of course he will not touch you without your permission". Kobe was excited for being allowed in the delivery room. Upon entering the patient's room, he introduced himself with respect and the conversation went on. Now time to push! Guess what was next? Kobe holding one leg and the other student was holding the other leg and the patient pushed this beautiful baby out. Kobe did not only stop there he also performed a postpartum assessment with the patient's consent. The patient could not stop thanking Kobe and repeatedly said to me, "Your student is very caring and respectful. he made me feel great."

Kobe is also a leader, he helped other students with their care plan. His Maternity care plan was done with a lot of care and lot of reflections. Great work Kobe! You will be a great nurse on demand. Keep up the great work! 


Kwabena showed extreme compassion while in clinical. There was one occasion there was a patient who was reported as not eating. He took time out and fed the patient and she ate everything. The other students were ready for lunch, but he stayed because he was so excited that the patient was eating. The family came to visit at the time when he was finishing, and they saw that the patient was eating. They were expecting alternative feeding regime. This is just one example of compassion of many.