Kristen Rolph
June 2021
Emergency Department
Kettering Health Network Franklin Emergency
United States




Krissy washed, diapered, changed, fed, and rocked the baby with the mother's permission.
Kristen Rolph has such a big caring heart. The other night we had a young mother and her eight-month-old baby come into the emergency room. The mom was the patient, and all she had for her baby was an old bottle with curdled milk and no other formula. The baby was wearing a diaper that was too big and dirty clothes. Krissy had her husband go to Walmart. He came back with formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, soap, lotion, pacifiers, and two new outfits. Krissy washed, diapered, changed, fed, and rocked the baby with the mother's permission. It was a huge deal for her to take funds out of her own pocket to help this mom and baby in need. I am truly impressed. She deserves to be recognized for her wonderful heart.