Kristen Doerrmann
December 2017
Stratford - ACE
Jefferson Washington Township Hospital
United States




One day I worked with Kristen on the unit, while working with her I observed her going above and beyond the call of duty for a patient. While caring for a patient she noticed the patient was really struggling with eating and the will to thrive. She barely would drink and she would basically go along with whatever was being said rather than inquiring about her care. Kristen took time to not only help the patient fully understand her work but to also attempt to make the patient smile and help her find some sense of encouragement and hope. Yes, some might say that this is just a part of the job of being a nurse, but people don't fully see the big picture of events that are taking place behind the scene. No one sees that each RN has a full assignment and one tech and everyone is running around trying to make sure that everyone is getting the care they need. With the acuity being very high and a number of things taking place at once from discharges to transfers to call lights it can become very intense. With all this going on Kristen still was able to make time during her shift to be the support that the patient needed.
At the start of the shift this woman was saying she no longer had the will to fight, she simply was giving up. After being with Kristen for 12 hours this woman was smiling, trying to eat and willing to do what she could to help assist in her progress of care. Instead of taking a lunch and ordering food for herself, Kristen paid for a smoothie to be delivered out of her own money for the patient. It was the first thing besides Ensure that the woman said she enjoyed in days.
Though these actions may seem small they had a large impact on the patient and overall helped improve the patient's will to thrive. Kristen's kind acts didn't just end when her shift ended, instead of going home and seeing her family she went and spent time talking to the patient and her family and even ordered food from outside the hospital for the woman to eat. She has always been one to go above and beyond, whether it is to help a patient or a peer. We have had a number of events recently with staff and Kristen was one of the first to either help set up a collection or to find some way to help the staff in need get through the tough time. She is beyond what one would call an excellent nurse, she is a great person to be around and a great support to the unit. Anyone would be blessed to have her take care of them and I find it a blessing to work with her.