Kristen Benoit
August 2021
Phillips House 21 Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
Despite a taxing assignment, Kristen's compassion never wavered.
We were sharing an incredibly complex, acutely decompensating cirrhotic patient, who required an incredible amount of close 1 to 1 nursing care for an entire shift. Kristen stayed in the patient's room for nearly the entire shift, helping provide a constant for a patient who was encephalopathic and becoming sicker over a matter of hours. She went above and beyond to ensure clear communication regarding the patient's status, helping the team provide quick, effective care. She provided excellent insight and thoughtful contributions towards ways that we could optimize this patient's acute treatment, based on her astute observations of their needs. What's more, as serving as the team's constant presence, the rapport that she established with this patient was incredible, and without it, there may not have been the same level of trust between patient and care team, which was comprised of many new faces at this time of heightened medical needs. Despite a taxing assignment, Kristen's compassion never wavered, and she deserves recognition for her patient advocacy, clinical insight, and bedside manner. All of which comprised extraordinary nursing care, and ultimately successful patient care. Thank you, Kristen!!