Kim O'Connor
April 2020
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
United States




My mom died suddenly and unexpectedly. She was revived at home and in the ER and then transferred to the CICU. Nurse Kim was her nurse the day her meds were stopped and she was able to be at peace. My mom was only 65 years old. She has a loving husband and 4 daughters and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As you can imagine this was very hard for all of us. Nurse Kim was so kind and caring. She was sure to do all of the little and big things that my mom and our family needed. She not only cared for my mom but for our entire family.
I have been a nurse for 20 years and I know the level of care my mom required and Nurse Kim provided it effortlessly. I could see early on the prognosis was grim and we would be saying goodbye. My stepdad really struggled with this reality which is completely normal. Nurse Kim and the doctor allowed the time that he needed and talked to him on his level so that he could digest it all. When it came time to make a decision he was able to do so because of the care and understanding that was given to him as well as all of us.
Nurse Kim gave my mom justice and absolute compassion. She provided dignity in the care that she gave. She did it all with excellence and integrity. Nurse Kim stood Providence's know me, care for me, and ease my way in all that she did. I cannot express to you enough how special the care she provided was and how much it meant to my family and myself. It has taken me some time to be able to get this letter done for obvious reasons, but I hope you can please pass on my sincerest thank you to her for all the care that she provided to my mom on her last day with us.