Kimber Rice
March 2020
Home Telehealth
Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center
United States




I cannot emphasize enough "all of the attributes" of Kim Rice. I have known Kim (by phone only) since at least February 2019 and she has contributed to monitoring my health over these months. She took control of my type 2 diabetes and turned my uncontrolled levels to within "normal" limits in a very short (less than one 1 year) time period. I have been fighting it since 1992. Not only that, but her perseverance in following "all" aspects of my health, led to me getting a CT scan of my stomach area, which I was always denied. In May of 2019 via this CT scan, it was discovered that I had a tumor in my bladder, four kidney stones, a tear (cyst) on my pancreas, and a hernia. As I was not aware of any pains that were related to these illnesses they could have continued for years and ultimately resulting in my death. I have had three tumors removed from my bladder and all were cancerous! I truly believe Kim Rice, through her diligence, "saved" this Veteran's life. I cannot thank her enough. My spouse also shares these same accolades.