Kevin O’Connell
September 2019
Swedish Medical Center - First Hill
United States




I just wanted to pass along many kudos and thanks to Kevin O'Connell who took excellent care of a patient. The patient had a very bad lice infestation and skin rash, and Kevin took it upon himself to shave the patient's hair and help him shower in order to treat his condition as well as possible. He truly went above and beyond, without being asked to do so. I truly enjoy working with Kevin and I've always thought he takes excellent care of his patients; this confirms that. So glad to have him on our team.
Every employer has some of those unsung heroes who go above and beyond, day in and day out, without any expectation of fanfare or recognition. These people do their job in a very special way and don't even realize it. These people are looked up to, depended upon and respected. They don't even take a minute to think about why because they are too busy just doing the things they do that earn them such reverence. Kevin O'Connell is one of these employees and is a registered nurse for Swedish Medical Center - working in the ever-busy urban First Hill Emergency Department.
Kevin continues to expand his knowledge, regularly obtaining extra certifications and training, ensuring that he is easily one of the most competent and knowledgeable Emergency Department nurses within the Swedish system, and beyond. But it's not just his impressive scope of knowledge. It is Kevin's amazingly patient and caring demeanor that catches even the most hardened ER nurse's attention, inspiring us, making us all strive to be better. I could write a novel here, and illustrate example after example, but I will submit to you one of Kevin's most recent examples of exemplary patient care and caring.
Kevin was assigned to be the primary RN for one of our unfortunate homeless patients just a couple of weeks ago. This patient was sick, and also wet, cold, and filthy. A cast-away from society, with nobody to care for him, or about him. The patient was also covered in body lice, in an overwhelming infestation not fit for the squeamish. Instead of complaining about his luck of the draw, or trying to avoid going into the patient's room, or doing just the bare minimum in an effort to avoid being in that patient's room for any prolonged period of time (as many might be tempted to do) Kevin did the exact opposite. In typical Kevin style, he marched into that room and assisted the patient with getting him showered and dressed in warm, dry clothing. He even took the time to shave the patient's hair and beard in order to help him feel more comfortable and to promote healing.
During this incredibly time-consuming ordeal, bugs even began crawling on Kevin - despite all of the PPE he was wearing. Kevin even noticed later-on after his shift was over, that there were a few bugs on him who had decided to hitch a ride home. He never once complained or had anything negative to say about the situation - the only thing on his mind was taking care of that patient, and making him feel like he was cared for, and that he mattered. For at least that one day, that person felt cared for. And this is why Kevin is so very special and deserves all of the praise we can rally for him. Because he doesn't expect it. He doesn't ask for it. But his actions demand it.