Kelly Northway
October 2020
St. Cloud VA Health Care System
St. Cloud
United States




I met Kelly last winter. I usually shy away from the VA for several reasons but something about the way she talked to me was intriguing.
Once I was here, she stepped forward a bunch of times. I believe she was the best advocate I ever had. I have never had so much help especially from the VA. When she saw a problem she went the extra mile. She has consistently been there for me when others haven't. I received help I couldn't even conceive of at the time. She is very persistent and helpful in all matters. I feel fortunate in many ways. She took me on and gained my trust. I believe she even helped with keeping others on track. I am very thankful.
She demonstrated skills of compassion, kindness, and honesty. She spent a lot of time with patients and is a nurse I want to care for me when I am sick.