Kelly Geis Peirish
January 2021
Psychiatric Emergency Services
UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital




Kelly is a tireless advocate for her patients, assuring that they receive the dignity and respect they deserve. She is the nurse I would want to take care of my family should they require it.
Kelly consistently goes above and beyond. She led initiatives in the PES to improve diabetes education for staff and improve consistency in glucose checks and insulin dispensation. She also led the charge in advocating for updated blood pressure monitoring, including designing policies for coordinated, automated, and manual rechecks that were otherwise being missed. She is an ongoing and a vocal leader in designing our response to COVID-19 and demonstrates her leadership on a daily basis, both designing and disseminating policy and workflows in the PES. In many ways, she is the go-to nurse in the PES when it comes to questions regarding COVID-19 and in spite of the weight of this, consistently leads with a positive attitude and smile on her face.
As nurse educator in the PES, Kelly always seems to be in front and advocating for continued improvements in the ED setting. She is a vocal advocate for change, even though she may be a more junior nurse than some of her peers. She consistently serves as a role model for new hires, and always seems readily available to problem solve issues that arise or step in when help is needed, consistently putting in more than her fair share of hours without the expectation that she be recognized or rewarded for her efforts.
Kelly's clinical efforts are among the strongest of any nurse I've worked with in my 14 years at WPH. Her compassion for and skill in working with individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder are second to none. She is a tireless advocate for her patients, assuring that they receive the dignity and respect they deserve. She is the nurse I would want to take care of my family should they require it.
Kelly stepped into the nurse educator position in the PES during a period when the role was in flux. To say she has excelled would be an understatement. Her work ethic is unmatched and her can-do attitude is infectious. She has quickly become a go-to nurse on the floor, both for new hires and senior nurses. She seems to always be available to support and assist. I wonder sometimes if she sleeps as it seems she's always here, coordinating or improving something. Somehow in spite of this, she still found time to create a "shout out" board in the PES to help staff encourage and support one another. She also created the "Bathroom Times" including up to date information on the current state of the COVID pandemic and our internal response to it.
Kelly provides incredible value to this institution yet never seeks out recognition or acknowledgment. She is a tireless advocate, a skilled educator, and an infectiously kind and compassionate role model whom we should all be so lucky to have working alongside us. She is a true DAISY Nurse.