May 2020
Senior 11
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing
New Orleans
United States




Kaylen Poleto is a Senior II student who exhibited several of the school of nursing core values when doing her Management clinical with the Sophomore II students. She exhibited caring when managing the Sophomore II students. She took the younger students under her wing and was very supportive. She also exhibited organizational citizenship as she is a contributing member of the nursing school and health sciences center that advances our organizational success. She was instrumental in advancing our mission. She also demonstrated professionalism in the unit. She understood her assignment for the day and went to work. She even volunteered to do more shifts with the students. She was professional in her interactions with the students. She reviewed the labs and medications with the students in a friendly environment and was definitely a mentor for them. Several of the younger students expressed their excitement over having her with them in clinical. She helped ease their nerves and also provided the younger students with an example of what a Senior II student is capable of doing. I am proud to have Kaylen represent LSU Nursing in the workforce.