Kathy O'Gara
January 2022
Bigelow 6 Pediatric ICU
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
Kathy worked very hard to fill this Mother's wish. Not to change the outcome of the patient, but to change the experience for his family.
Kathy arrived at work after a week of vacation. She was assigned to take care of a 23-month-old patient who was in the process of being declared brain dead. His body was working, but his brain was not. After a very difficult discussion with his parents, they decided to donate his organs, but asked if there was any way he could go outside one more time. This little boy loved being outside more than anything and they wanted him to feel the sun before his heart stopped beating. Kathy spoke to the resource nurse and the child life therapist to see how they could fill this request. Without hesitation, she felt that if there was a way to accomplish this, it was important to do so. The resource nurse reached out to security who told her that although the healing garden was not an option due to COVID, they would assist her with getting the patient out onto the helipad. Kathy and a team of nurses worked very hard to fill this Mother's wish. Not to change the outcome of the patient, but to change the experience for his family. Although visitation was very restricted, this little boy's extended family was all allowed to be together in the sun on the helipad one last time before he went to donate his organs to other children. Kathy could have easily said no to this request, but she did not, and those parents will never forget that. For that reason, and many others, Kathy O'Gara is a DAISY Nurse.