Karen Harryman
February 2022
Labor and Delivery
Kootenai Medical Center
Coeur d’Alene
United States




Karen stayed until the moment she knew that we were content, and she even stayed past her allotted time to be here.
We arrived at the hospital at 11:30 PM on Sunday. They began the induction process almost immediately after we arrived Sunday night, by Monday morning we were starting to get into the real labor process which is where Karen's expertise was extremely valued. Through severe contractions, Karen had immediately recognized that our patient was in pain and called back in the epidural specialist to find that the epidural had come loose due to complications with the patient’s spinal cord. The epidural specialist had to re-attempt insertion another time and another time again, all the while through severe contractions.

Karen knew exactly what to do and exactly how to pull us through this process as painless and professionally as possible. Karen went above and beyond for us in a way that Registered Nurses clearly are not required to. Karen made sure she was leaving us with extremely good care that provided careful care up until the moment we went into surgery. Karen stayed until the moment she knew that we were content, and she even stayed past her allotted time to be here, which can show someone that she dedicates herself to the patients more than she would call this "just a job".

Thank you, Karen!