Kara Pederson
February 2023
Rush University Medical Center
United States




Kara made an effort to build rapport and not only with me, but a fussy and cranky (teething) baby as well!

Kara went to great lengths to make sure that as the mother of a infant in the emergency room, I was comfortable and well informed. She listened actively to all my questions and concerns. She made an effort to build rapport and not only with me, but a fussy and cranky (teething) baby as well! She did a great job of utilizing her network and included other nurses who work really well with babies. While remaining professional, she still managed to display a beautiful personality as well as a sense of humor, which can really help lighten the mood and help connect with a patient on a more human level.

Kara has immense knowledge of her job, she’s just great all around the board- even down to her choice of pins on her lanyard. They symbolized diversity and love and her willingness to fulfill her obligation to provide care to any and everyone in need of it. Thank you all for all that you do. Heroes don’t wear capes, they wear scrubs!