Kara Haag
January 2017
Labor and Delivery
Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
United States




Kara is one of the most caring and genuine nurses I have had the pleasure of working alongside. She is always so very nice and kind to all of her patients. It is very difficult to just discuss one situation when every day I work with her I see her putting everyone else's needs before her own. The most recent situation I recall is when she spent overfour hours coding her patient. Kara did not waste any time putting actions into motion to try and save the life of this mother and fetus. I believe it is because of her excellent nursing skills that this infant is alive and healthy today. Kara is the type of nurse I would want to have by my side in any type of emergent situation. Kara deserves to be recognized for being a true labor and delivery nursing hero, and for pushing forward with a smile on her face especially when the emotional tragedies of this career can weigh on one's soul.