September 2020
4 Clarke
Baptist Hospital of Miami




If it hadn't been for Juliana's quickness to respond to my mom's medical needs and wisdom to see the distress that my mom had, I would have been telling a different story.
Juliana is our Angel sent by God to save my mom's life. My mom is alive because of Juliana.
My mom was moved from ICU after the 2nd day of open-heart surgery to a regular room. At 10 pm my mom started breathing really intense, after a Code Rescue and nurses doing all they could to figure out what my mom was having, they ended up giving her morphine to calm her down and switching her to a step-down room around 4 am.
My mom was not doing well and I had to fan air in her face and nothing else was done to her until Juliana walked into the room like 10 minutes before 7 am and just by looking at her she knew that my mom was in distress. Juliana immediately called the surgeon team, they came and ordered a Bipap to stabilize her and sent her for a CT Scan. When my mom came back from the CT Scan she started again suffocating even with the Bipap full blast. I was so scared then Juliana walked in with the results of the CT Scan and calling the team, hurrying them up to come quickly she knew something was going to happen to my mom's lungs. Pockets of air were compressing the lungs. I would say seconds later the room was full of nurses, doctors, and the surgical team. While they were discussing what to do to my mom, my mom's lung collapsed in front of all of us. I almost died to see my mom's face with no breath. They quickly reacted, took me out of the room, and started working to save my mom's life. If it hadn't been for Juliana's quickness to respond to my mom's medical needs and wisdom to see the distress that my mom had, I would have been telling a different story.
Juliana not only saved my mom's life, but the caring, compassionate heart drove her to follow up and visit my mom while she was recuperating in ICU-Unit C. Even the nurses in ICU were impressed with Juliana and her dedication that they wanted to meet her. I have to share this story with all my family and friends, and we all call her our Angel.
Thank You Juliana for all you do, keep saving lives!