April 2013
RN, PhD(c), CNE, BC (Gerontological Nursing)
East Carolina University College of Nursing
United States




Joy Shepard, RN, PhD(c), CNE, BC (Certified Gerontological Nursing): DAISY award winner: East Carolina University, Department of Undergraduate Nursing Science Junior Division Ms. Shepard is an excellent and dedicated mentor to students. Students have often expressed how she was so kind and supportive during hard times they had while in our nursing program. As an expert clinical and classroom professor, she is board certified in Gerontological nursing as well as a Certified Nurse Educator. She is also an excellent mentor to peers. She establishes rapport with hospital and agency staff. She develops and incorporates case studies in the classroom and creates creative learning experiences for students. In addition, she handles a huge pediatric rotation schedule that allows students to see the many aspects of pediatric nursing in the acute care as well as the community setting. It is evident that with Ms. Shepard, students come first.