Josie Okey
June 2021
Diabetes Centre
Tasmanian Health Service




Josie knows her endocrinology and I know that she keeps up-to-date with continuous education. She has taught me a lot about my fairly rare condition.
My acromegaly was diagnosed in June 2000 ie 21 years ago and Josie has been my endocrine nurse for most of that time. My treatment post-surgery is a monthly injection. The injection is not straightforward due to the thickness of the solution and the large gauge of the needle. Permission has been given for it to be administered into the softer tissue in the lower hip. This needs to be done with care to avoid the sciatic nerve. The jab can bite a bit but this is rarely a problem as Josie takes consideration and time and care to select the injection site. (There must not be much soft tissue left after 250 injections) The solution needs to mix and settle prior o injection so this allows time for a chat. We discuss the state-of-the-nation and family misdemeanours etc, but Josie ultimately leads the discussion back to my well-being. Bloods tests are analysed, discussed, and followed up if not listed. There is always the offer to follow-up issues. Nothing is a problem. Josie knows her endocrinology and I know that she keeps up-to-date with continuous education. She has taught me a lot about my fairly rare condition. If you're a tad out of sorts, you are on the blood pressure machine in no time. Recently Josie was concerned that my heart rate was low and she discussed this with my Endocrinologist. This ultimately led to the installation of a pacemaker. I often wonder how long it would have been before it was detected by other health professionals as visits to them are not as regular as my monthly jab and also heart rates can vary quite a lot. I look forward to my monthly chat with Josie. Her dedication, knowledge, and easy-going personality make it a breeze.