Jordan Seubert
March 2021
Medical/Surgical Unit
Hackensack University Medical Center
United States




Jordan was very empathetic and kind and had a beautiful bedside manner. Always available, very accommodating, and friendly.
Jordan was my overnight nurse on the COVID floor. I wanted to commend this lovely, professional, and kind young lady for her extraordinary services with my care! She was very empathetic and kind and had a beautiful bedside manner. Always available, very accommodating, and friendly. Took her time with me and made me feel so special, like an actual human being! She is an amazing asset to your team and as a patient who has many issues on top of having fought through COVID, it's so important to have angel nurses like Jordan working with patients. She was diligent and so sweet and her professionalism was on point. Jordan is a true hero in this place and you can tell she does her job from the heart and has the utmost level of care I have ever received here. I had many shift nurses but so far felt like it was my duty and heart's desire to reflect light on Jordan as one of the best who took care of me. She never ever left me or my room partner with a question unanswered and never made me feel like I was rushing her. I just wanted to say THANK YOU Jordan from the bottom of my heart for your excellent care, empathy, and human kindness. 

I am still here as I write this but was brought up to this floor from the ER on Monday night. I will be forever grateful to Jordan for her help and I wanted her to know she’s an Extraordinary Nurse and a super decent and kind human being. And that’s what we patients only wish for. Although she went far and beyond in my opinion. God Bless you Jordan!