Jill Pollock
October 2019
Penn Highlands DuBois
United States




My son was born at 34 weeks with premature lungs, low blood sugars and a lot of bruising. He was immediately transferred from Coudersport, PA out here to DuBois, leaving me in Coudersport to recover from a c-section. I was discharged at just 24 hours after my c-section and jumped straight into the car and headed to DuBois to be with my baby.
When I arrived here, I was obviously quite sore, very emotional and discouraged with the very tiny amount of breastmilk I was pumping being that I so desperately wanted to breastfeed. Jill was one of the first nurses I met upon my arrival and when I say that woman made me feel like a rock star, I am not exaggerating in the slightest! She spent a lot of one-on-one time with me answering all of the questions I had about my son and his care while in the NICU.
Jill praised me through every drop and every tear of pumping for my little one. She encouraged me to take breaks and make sure I was taking care of myself during my stay here. Honestly, I'd be pretty homesick without her, she reminds me a lot of my mom. I wouldn't want and couldn't ask for a better nurse to take care of my sweet newborn.