Jessica Piersol
July 2020
Infection Control
Newberry County Memorial Hospital
United States




Jessica is the epitome of what The DAISY Award stands for; empathy, extraordinary clinical skills, positive attitude, exemplifying Newberry Hospital's mission, and establishing special connections with her patients. During the years I have known Jessica as a nurse on the Med/Surg floor, she has always shown compassion to her patients and camaraderie with her team. She never hesitates to assist with anything that brings positive attention to Newberry Hospital such as billboards, posters, ads, and brochures.
Jessica was new to her position as Infection Control Nurse when the COVID-19 pandemic began. She had already made major strides in her new role by editing policies and putting new processes in place. Prior to our State taking action with the pandemic, she was already working closely with the CNO, fully immersing herself in looking for ways to protect our staff, patients, and community.
Jessica formed close relationships with contacts at the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA). She researched and reviewed the enormous amount of information that healthcare facilities were receiving daily, making sure the hospital was in compliance while figuring out the next steps. Jessica took part in numerous phone calls and webinars, again making sure she had as much information as possible to assist in making decisions for our hospital. She also helped to determine the information that needed dissemination to our community, even sharing educational information with listeners on our local radio station.
Jessica has led the team in COVID-19 testing for Newberry Hospital, ensuring staff is properly trained. She has made certain that staff is safe, by reviewing proper donning and doffing procedures and continually updating staff on the latest PPE requirements. Jessica has spent many nights and weekends on the phone and even returned to the hospital, to make certain that patient testing is completed, and numbers submitted to DHEC. She follows up with every patient who is tested, providing necessary information and instructions.
There are probably many more things that I have not touched on that Jessica was and is still is part of during the pandemic. The most amazing and impressive part of all that Jessica has done during the pandemic is her attitude and demeanor in handling the pressure. She definitely has shown grace under fire and always with a smile.
Jessica has done a phenomenal job of keeping NCMH employees, patients, and community safe during the pandemic. Jessica moved into the infection control position in August of 2019 with no idea of what was facing our country. Jessica remains calm in the storm of "corona". Jessica is dedicated to Newberry Hospital and always has the best interests of others at heart. She is honest and hard-working. Jessica is a true DAISY Nurse.