Jessica Sand
March 2022
Jessica D
PSM- Urgent Care
St. Cloud VA Health Care System
St. Cloud
United States




With my father experiencing severe hypotension-Jessica sprang into action.
When we arrived at urgent care after Covid Screening Jessica met us with a wheelchair. My dad walked in with two canes to steady himself but was very quickly declining in front of our eyes. Jessica is very skilled at her job. After hooking my father up, she noticed his blood pressure was critical at 50/40. With my father experiencing severe hypotension-Jessica sprang into action. She instinctually put him in Trendelenburg position to treat his acute hypotension. She started bolus fluids. All interventions were completed while appearing and sounding as “calm as a cucumber” perse. So, on this day-Jessica single-handed saved my dad’s life (of course under provider supervision). I can’t imagine how she felt that day. I am thinking she went home and hugged her own a little tighter. It is important to my dad, a Marine, that Jessica saved his life that day. Very professional and very much appreciated. She will never be forgotten, and words cannot say enough. Thank you, Jessica. Jessica was a great advocate for my visually impaired father. He refused to go to the hospital. He has since fully recovered due to Jessica’s expertise!