Jennifer Nolin
February 2021
Labor and Delivery
Augusta University Medical Center
United States




She was kind, attentive, encouraging, supportive, and my advocate.
Jennifer was a student of mine when she was in nursing school, and I was her clinical instructor. Jen shined in those days in all settings, but it was clear her passion was labor and delivery. She jokingly promised me she would care for me if our paths ever crossed again, and years later, they did. I was in labor with my third child after suffering a stroke during my pregnancy, among several other complications. Jen was like having my best friend with me in the delivery room. She was kind, attentive, encouraging, supportive, and my advocate. She did not leave my side. She gave my newborn son the motherly love he needed in the moments after delivery when I wasn't able. She held my hand and supported my wishes. She wasn’t afraid to reach out to the doctor when she had concerns. She was amazing, and I am so thankful for her.