Jason Poe
July 2022
Same Day Surgery
The Queen's Medical Center
United States




Jason walked with me to the port cochere area and sat with me for 15-20 minutes longer until my husband arrived.
As a former Queen's employee, all employees are held to the highest of standards, which makes Queen's the very best in healthcare. I had a wonderful experience with QMC SDS nurse, Jason Poe.

I had an outpatient procedure and woke up covered with hives around my neck and intense itching. I was still so uncomfortable after Jason administered Benadryl and applied ice packs. 
 Jason was concerned about my breathing. I received another dose of Benadryl, which made me sleep.

I awoke and saw hardly any patients and I felt guilty about keeping him past his work time. Jason replied, "Oh no, I have several hours to go. Do not worry." I overheard Jason speaking to a peer, that I was his last patient and would go home after I was discharged.

I said that I would sit in the discharge lounge and would be perfectly fine there. Jason walked with me to the port cochere area and sat with me for 15-20 minutes longer until my husband arrived.

Jason's concern and wonderful bedside manner made me feel so well cared for.