Iljin Sano
April 2019
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Long Beach
United States




P- Nurse Sano is a kind compassionate man, he takes great pride in his work. He has 29 years in the nursing profession. He says he is here to provide competent, quality care. if I have any questions that he can't answer he will find someone who will know the answer. He was the first nurse I met on the dialysis unit. He spent time slowly explaining the process and as if reading my mind, he said, I know you're afraid. Please allow me to help you with the process. He was confident and reassuring.
E- That was my first treatment. Nurse Sano understood my fear and said he knew how I felt. I believe he did. He works the floor like it is the red carpet, flitting from patient to patient like he is master of the floor, concerned with everyone.
T- Nurse Sano offered to meet with my family if they had questions. He consults with fellow workers as they all do the work. I have great trust and admiration for all of the workers but Nurse Sano has gained my trust.
A- Nurse Sano is a member of the Fistula team. A prestigious group who are qualified to work on fistulas and stick the needles on the correct veins and arteries. His coworkers call on his expertise.
L- Nurse Sano told me that he thanks God for letting him become a nurse. He is grateful he can serve his fellow man and give to society. He has a fourteen-year-old daughter who is disabled. He says God gave her to him knowing his love would make her life a blessing. He says she's abled, not disabled.
S- When you see Nurse Sano moving around the floor as if on roller skates, you get the feeling he is on a mission. Lost in his work he selflessly seems to be on autopilot.