PIH Good Samaritan DAISY honoree 3rd Quarter2020 Helen Salamat RN ED Dept.
September 2020
PIH Good Samaritan Hospital
United States




No matter what the climate is in the “triage” room, Helen is always pleasant, calm, and professional and does anything that she can to make the patients and staff feel safe and as comfortable as possible.

Whether with patients, families, or colleagues, this RN always exhibits compassion and an available “ear”. She never treats patients dismissively, regardless of their reason for being here.  She is also the first one to offer assistance to our new employees.

Helen is a very knowledgeable nurse with exemplary clinical skills and years of clinical experience. Her peers comment she can “diagnose” a patient within minutes of triage!

No matter what the climate is in the “triage” room, Nurse Salamat is always pleasant, calm, and professional and does anything that she can to make the patients and staff feel safe and as comfortable as possible. She is a mentor to all and is well respected by everyone including our medical and pre-hospital care staff.

Helen always strives to provide high-quality healthcare, without discrimination and contributes to the health of our community in a safe and fiscally prudent manner. Although her vision is “Patients First”, she is a staunch supporter of teamwork, accountability, and open communication and always provides quality service.

Helen is the first person that patients and families meet when they arrive in the ER. She consistently assures that the patients are evaluated as quickly and as competently as possible and that the patient’s progress is communicated to the patient’s family and friends and offers encouragement and support whenever needed.

The ER doesn’t get many letters from happy patients, but many patients and their families have sought out the ED Director to let her know how helpful and caring Helen Salamat was …..especially when they are called in and have been told that their family member is critically ill ….or has died. This Helen's innate warmth and approachability immediately have a calming effect on anyone in distress.