Heather Shawen
June 2020
Labor and Delivery
St. Elizabeth Edgewood
United States




My sister arrived in the unit with a suspected loss of heartbeat in her 28-week gestation son. After it was confirmed, and we were admitted for the stillbirth of my nephew; Heather was our nurse throughout the day. My sister understandably had many questions surrounding the labor, delivery (this was her first pregnancy), and about her baby who was about to be stillborn.
Heather was open and honest, compassionate, and all-around amazing. We understand that this is the down-side to working in Labor and Delivery and nobody wants to be the nurse when a stillbirth is happening, but Heather put her name on the board to take care of my sister the next day as well, so we were very comforted to have her as our nurse through most of the grueling process.
Heather spent so much time in the room with us through the two days and even stayed after her shift was over to make sure that my sister was okay before going home. She laughed with us, she cried with us. We told her about our family, and we learned about hers. In a matter of two days, she went from a complete stranger to someone that my sister and brother-in-law (and myself) confided in and trusted with everything.
In a job that most would think is so wonderful to be bringing babies into the work, there is the downside of not so happy outcomes like the one our family endured. It was made so much better to feel that my sister and nephew were in the best hands by everyone on the unit, but especially Heather.