Hahn Ngo
October 2020
Care Management
DCH Regional Medical Center
United States




Monday - "I'm just going for a short spin on the bike...." "OK, Please Be Careful" "Don't worry...I'll just be gone a short time" "Please Be Careful"....
The accident occurred less than an hour later. A truck started to make a left turn, then stopped upon seeing the motorcycle approaching, the motorcycle driver swerved to the right and came back left, the bike went down, as did the rider, the love of my life. Less than two weeks prior to this, we joyously celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary. High School Sweethearts, we dated for six years before tying the knot.
COVID drew its ugly curtain and I was not allowed to be with my Beloved at his most painful time. Many broken bones, lacerations, fractures, etc. made this pain unbearable, while his mind could NOT comprehend why I wasn't by his side. The cruelty that COVID lay over our family caused the very worst kind of pain.
I was able to write him cards and letters, begging him to 'not give up'....trying my very best to encourage him to FIGHT HARD through this pain and suffering. It was at this time that our Angel of Mercy entered our lives, Hahn Ngo, G's Case Manager, phoned me, her soft voice touching my heart with words of encouragement and love. G lost his glasses in the accident, so Hahn was there to read the cards of love from me, to him. She told me that he listened to each and every word. She brought her own cell phone into ICU so that G and I could at least speak to each other. She texted and called me often not only to bring me word of G but to check on me! I could hear in her voice that her heart was broken because she felt so deeply for what G and I were going through.
G's struggle was stronger and more intense than we knew. A week later, after a vigorous attempt to re-start his heart, we lost him at 12:39 PM. I was there....My children and I witnessed the non-stop action of the ICU Trauma Unit, as they valiantly tried to revive him, but God had other plans. Hahn continued to reach out to me...texting, cards, music...anything to help me through this, even after I was admitted four days later for an issue of my own. She is a CONSTANT source of support and her loving care will be a part of my life forever. To say that she went above and beyond her 'duties' would be a gross understatement. To her, we were 'family'.
It's strange, the only time we actually came face to face, when he had his first coding event, we were masked. We don't even know what the other looks like!! I do know one thing, without a sliver of a doubt, Hahn Ngo is an Angel of Mercy, who was placed in our midst for a reason....to calm me and to let me know that all will be well.