Guerdie Nonez
August 2023
Hackettstown Medical Center
United States




A few minutes after he got into his room his nurse walked in, Guerdie Nonez. Even with her mask on I could tell she was smiling as she greeted me...She had a warmth about her and I knew he was in good hands.
His name was C. He was an elderly gentleman I met while I was a visiting nurse. Once I discharged him, I continued to visit weekly because he needed help and I lived nearby. That quickly turned into 7 years. 7 years of walking his dog, filling his pill boxes, making sure he got to his doctor appointments, and picking up his sometimes 10 phone calls a day. I considered him to be an adopted grandfather at that point! As his ability to care for himself declined we got him into an assisted living facility.

One day, I received a phone call that he was being transferred to HMC for shortness of breath. I met him in the ED and quickly realized this was different than any other time. He was barely coherent and in a lot of distress. His condition continued to decline and after talking with the physicians, we placed C on palliative care. That Friday he was transferred to 4 South.

He was visibly uncomfortable. A few minutes after he got into his room his nurse walked in, Guerdie Nonez. Even with her mask on I could tell she was smiling as she greeted me. She took one look at C and said, “He is not comfortable, we’re going to do something about this.” I felt immediate relief. She reached out to his physician to have his morphine increased to a safe and effective amount, she suctioned his mouth, and we got him repositioned in bed.

She had a warmth about her and I knew he was in good hands. Before I left that day, I looked at C for what I knew would be the last time. There was no distress. He was comfortable. He passed later that day. I believe he was able to let go because of the peace provided to him through Guerdie’s care. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.