Gina Paz
May 2021
Labor & Delivery
Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital
Los Angeles
United States




It was Gina’s ability to demonstrate compassion and caring that allowed the patient to trust her enough to follow her instructions.
Gina Paz has been with this hospital since before it opened in the spring of 2015. She is an amazing leader and is such a great asset to our department. She demonstrations her commitment and passion for her role and for our department in everything she does from checking in on the staff to helping to cover short staffing.

We recently had a patient come in by ambulance and the patient was placed in our triage to rule out labor. The patient was homeless, extremely scared, and had a history of bipolar depression. Once the patient was placed in the triage and fully assessed it was determined that delivery was imminent. The patient refused to get in the bed and was laying on the floor, and Gina was able to calmly work with the patient and get her into the bed. It was Gina’s ability to demonstrate compassion and caring that allowed the patient to trust her enough to follow her instructions. Once the patient delivered in the triage room, about 20 minutes later while they were assessing the patient and newborn, they discovered that she was actually about to deliver another baby that was not expected. Gina worked closely with the Nursery nurse to prepare everything that was needed and helped to prepare for the delivery. The patient delivered the second baby which was significantly smaller than the first baby and was not breathing. They immediately called a Code White and gathered all of the necessary equipment for a second baby and to resuscitate the baby. This entire time, Gina remained calm and was able to direct the entire team through this process.

Her leadership and guidance on this day and in this situation were outstanding and a testament to the work that Gina does on a day-to-day basis. We were able to successfully resuscitate the newborn and ended up transferring both of the newborns to Miller’s Children Hospital for a higher level of care. We received multiple compliments on the performance of the entire team and especially Gina’s leadership. Thank you Gina for exemplifying a constant commitment to excellence and for role modeling nursing for our entire department.