George Norman
December 2019
OSF Heart of Mary Medical Center
United States




George is a person that I want to be more like in my life and I hope I am teaching my five children to strive to be as well. He gives off positive energy even on his days undoubtedly filled with stress. I'm sure no one comes into his care in grand circumstances and that was certainly my case. I was frightened and beyond sad and George didn't let me feel alone. Each moment was explained to me and my husband with kindness and he went out of his way to make sure we had every comfort we could need. George seemed to sense that before even I did, patting my arm and quietly letting me know it was okay to let my worries go - nurse and my sitters will hold my worries so I could rest. George cared for many on each of his long shifts but he did so in such a way that it always felt like I was the center of his attention, genuinely happy to be there, and that my moments were his moments. It is for these reasons I believe George should be honored at OSF Heart of Mary.