April 2023
Corporal Michael J Crescenz VA Medical Center
United States




Gail is very caring, attentive, and very knowledgeable.
Gail is a super nurse. They made my post-op experience here much better. They took time to make sure I fully understood all of my meds and care plan. This nurse is very caring, attentive, and very knowledgeable. They took care of me as if I were one of their family. No matter how busy this nurse was, they made sure that I was comfortable and checked on me frequently.

This post-op experience had me feeling very down, but this nurse helped to raise my spirits and keep me comfortable and hopeful. We need more nurses like them. I appreciate their caring spirit and am thankful for the care they provided to me.


You are an excellent nurse. You provided me with outstanding care. You are the first nurse that I could depend on. You did what you said you were going to do. You explained everything to me and made sure that I understood what was going on. I have a difficult time getting my words out. You were always patient and kind and made sure you knew what I was saying. Thank you for taking care of me.