September 2021
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Emergency Department
United States




Upon meeting Gabrielle, she immediately made me feel I was of priority importance.
I would like to recognize this nurse who treated me during my time at your ED. I had to come back to the ED after speaking to the follow up nurse. They advised me to the ED to have my injury reexamined. Upon entering the ED waiting room I know the ED was quite busy just from the fact that there where no wheelchairs to get me from my vehicle to triage. However security did help me get to the waiting room. My wait time was a little longer than usual but that was to be expected when you go to the ED of a level 1 trauma center in a major American city.

Upon meeting this nurse she immediately made me feel I was of priority importance. Anytime I needed anything ranging from an apple juice to pain medication the nurse always made me feel important and that I was heard. She always made me feel as comfortable as possible even though there was great difficulty keeping my pain under control.

This nurse was a GREAT communication link between me and the doctor. In my opinion she went above and beyond what her obligation was as a nurse. The bedside manner was second to none and even as young as she seemed her professionalism could rival some nurses who have been in her career twenty plus years. In my opinion and assessment of the overall care I received, this nurse working for you is a valuable asset that sets the bar of the example if what a top tier nurse should be.