Gabby Oehm
November 2020
Short Stay
Nebraska Methodist Hospital




Gabby was a large light of joy for me. Always consistent in everything she said she was going to do. Always with a smile. Always concerned about me.
This is why I believe God made angels to be RNs like Gabby. I had the honor of having this beautiful soul care for me while I was very sick. My sickness is not the kind you can see, mine is a mental illness. When I came to Gabby's unit I was in a full manic attack. After many years of having this disease, this was my 1st attack in 20 years. Very scared and not sure if anyone would understand. Frightened and looking at every professional's eyes I was amazed and pleasantly relieved by the empathy and understanding of the team. Finally, my brain registered to "SAFE". No one left me alone- and that saved me. Once I got to the floor, Gabby was my savior that night. She was a large light of joy for me. Always consistent in everything she said she was going to do. Always with a smile. Always concerned about me. She was happy but focused. She could do 3 things at once accurately while still making eye contact with me. Again, all her peers seemed to really admire her and her work ethic, I know I did. Hours went by and slowly I could feel my heart stop racing. My normal thoughts were coming back. Yeah, of course, the meds helped but nothing can help you without true kindness, the loving of one another, and of course all the great care Gabby gave me. Gabby I wouldn't be walking out of here today if it wasn't for you!