Fanta Kallon
March 2019
Saint Peter's University Hospital
New Brunswick
United States




In May of this past year, the nurses at Saint Peter's University Hospital on the Oncology Unit provided compassionate end of life care to my cherished father. He was never so vulnerable in his life as he was in those last few days, entrusting all care of himself to others. My family was so touched at how softly, honorably, and tenderly, he - we - were treated by Fanta.
Even when he could not respond, she addressed him by name, and it seemed that every word that she spoke was said through a smile. The gleam in her eye, coupled with her confident care and tender touch was so helpful in allowing his natural death to be as peaceful as possible. Nursing is a lot of finding out the timely resolution of symptoms but the art of nursing in managing the science of care makes Fanta a true DAISY Nurse.