Erin Farnan
March 2019
Adult ICU
Banner Desert Medical Center
United States




My dad was in the ICU for over a week and was not doing well. We knew that further treatment for his illness with his underlying disease would just be futile and prolong his suffering. None the less, it was very difficult saying goodbye to my dad and letting Hospice take over. Erin was very kind and made us comfortable and not fearful. She helped calm my anxiety and that of my family. She was gentle and respectful of my dying father.
Unfortunately, Hospice was unable to take my father on his ventilator. It was a Saturday and Hospice said they could not accommodate our wishes. Finding this out as all the family was heading toward the inpatient Hospice was so disappointing. We did not want my dad to suffer any longer and we wanted to say goodbye to him somewhere other than the hospital before they took him off the ventilator, which was connected to his tracheostomy he acquired during his hospitalization.
Erin was so kind and caring and helped make things work out for my sad and disappointed family. My father had ALS and couldn't communicate much with his new tracheostomy, his progressive weakness in his body, and his acute infection/pneumonia. However, when my father had a chance to communicate, he expressed wanting to go outside. Erin was so sweet and helped arrange for my dad to go outside and all my family was able to be with him outdoors and say goodbye. This meant so much to our family, and this will be a memory my family will always cherish.
When we took him back inside, Erin was so patient and gentle and stayed with us and comforted us as we took him off the ventilator. Erin made something super difficult a peaceful and calm experience. I will be forever grateful. Thank you, Erin!