Emily Stone
January 2024
Emergency Department
Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
United States




Words alone cannot adequately convey the appreciation and admiration I have for you.
Dear Emily,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I want to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional care and unwavering kindness you extended to my brother and me during his time under your care. Words alone cannot adequately convey the appreciation and admiration I have for you. Your selflessness and compassion truly go beyond the call of duty. I was touched by the genuine concern and support you showed, both to my brother as his dedicated nurse and to me as a worried family member. One particular act of kindness stands out in my mind. On that day, I had gone without food all day, distracted by concerns and the weight of the situation. In the midst of everything, you offered me your own meal, exemplifying the incredible generosity you possess. That small gesture spoke volumes about the incredible person you are, and it warmed my heart in a way I cannot fully express.

Moreover, your willingness to lend an attentive ear while I poured out my thoughts and fears has made a significant impact on me. The moments we spent talking, laughing, and finding solace brought immense comfort during a time that was undoubtedly challenging. You listened with patience and genuine interest as I shared my thoughts, providing a sense of support that went beyond your role as a nurse. Your unwavering dedication to providing outstanding care was evident through all your actions. Your ability to balance professionalism with empathetic connection is truly remarkable. Your presence has been a source of strength for both my brother and me during this difficult period, and for that, I will forever be grateful to you.

In a world where so much negativity abounds, individuals like you redefine the essence of humanity. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering commitment to your patients have left a lasting imprint on our hearts and minds. The impact you make on those you care for goes far beyond mere medical treatment. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the immeasurable difference you have made in our lives. Please know that your profound care has not gone unnoticed, and your incredible efforts continue to inspire me. You are a true hero in every sense of the word. May life bless you abundantly, granting you the same kindness and compassion you so selflessly give to others. The world is undoubtedly a better place with nurses like you.

With boundless appreciation,