Dona Sam
December 2023
2nd Floor
Dar Al Shifa Hospital, Kuwait




Her presence was so loved by the kids, and the adoration of her encouraged J to push through the pain to make her proud.
Among the fun stories, one nurse that stuck out was the one J so lovingly called “Dunkin Dona.” Anyone who knows my kids knows that they are so very loving, but also very stubborn. Add pain and fevers to that and, well, you have a recipe for a long recovery. When J was admitted, he was heavily dehydrated, exhausted, and terrified of trying to eat and drink through the vast amount of pain. His neck was stiff, and his throat was swollen and raw. My usually active little boy had no energy left at all. It was a terrifying and delicate situation for us. I begged and pleaded with him to take a bite of this or a sip of that. Dona was so genuine in her love and concern for him, that she would ask about his progress frequently. When I expressed my frustration, she would ever so lovingly somehow convince him to try through the pain. She was the one who was able to get him to regain some strength by finally getting some sort of food and drink in his belly. She celebrated even the smallest sips and the smallest bites. I started to feel sorry for her because the moment she would leave the room, he would hit the call button for her to come back. Of course, she entered every single time with a smile on her face. Her presence was so loved by the kids, and the adoration of her encouraged J to push through the pain to make her proud. It was incredible to watch, and I was honestly in a bit of awe as a mom watching Dona get him to do the very thing he was terrified of. She made it all seem so natural and effortless, and with her personality and cheerful presence, I see why they jumped at the chance to make her proud.