Diane Niezwagg
February 2016
Critical Care Unit
Mercy Medical Center - North Iowa
Mason City
United States




My son was an inpatient in Critical Care. He had critical cardiac issues and was also detoxing from substance abuse. He was combative, verbally abusive, and attempting to pull out his arterial and PICC lines, get out of bed, threatening staff, and 3 Code Whites were called. It was necessary to sedate him and protect his airway with intubation/ventilation.
Diane was his primary nurse during his CCU stay. Diane was caring, kind, respectful, and professional with a difficult patient. She met his physical needs while he was sedated, always talking to him and explaining what/why she was doing. She was firm, but respectful and encouraging when he was awake. Diane was very supportive of me. She acted as my advocate by assuring me she would care for him and let me know changes in his condition. She encouraged me to go when he was abusive and requiring sedation and that I was not failing him as his mother. Diane handled a difficult situation very well.