Devin Russ
December 2017
Emergency Department
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
Laguna Hills
United States




Working as RNs, we come in contact with individuals who shape our care for our patients. Devin Russ is one of those individuals for me. Since I was a new grad RN I have looked up to Devin in many lights. One that I put into my practice daily is how Devin introduces himself and his attitude with patients. In a busy work setting, such as the ED, Devin always takes the time to smile and shake your hand when he greets you and your family. When Devin does this you can see the patient feel welcomed and cared for upon arrival, creating a patient-centered environment. I was so impressed by how the patients will change from scared to feeling comforted, that I began using this technique in my own practice. I can tell you that the simple act of shaking a patient's hand has done wonders for my patients and their outcomes. Even on busy days in triage, I've had patients of Devin's being discharged come and thank me for having Devin be their nurse and tell me how awesome he was, how he made them feel welcomed, and how they knew they were in great hands, enhancing their patient -care experience. We need more nurses such as Devin who take the time to introduce and comfort the patients that we are providing care for. He lives out our vision of Extraordinary People. Extraordinary Care. Every Time.