Deborah Sanford-McGee
November 2018
Women's Services
Tennova Healthcare Cleveland
United States




I was at Tennova in women's services section for a gyn procedure and my stay should have been one to two days. I ended up being hospitalized for six days. My complications were not from my surgery but from an injury I had years earlier. If there was an award for the worst patient I would have been the winner. Of all the great nurses at Tennova, one stood out to me and that was Deb McGee. I could not get out of bed on my own due to severe pain and needed to be up every hour. She never complained and always told me it was going to be ok and not to worry. She always made me feel comfortable and was there for me to cry to and made sure I had my pain meds before helping me walk. Any issue I would have, Deb would contact the doctor and get a resolution. Deb is one of those angels that God sends into your life just when needed. She always brought the next nurse into my room to introduce them to me and tell me I was going to be in good hands while she was off duty. Deb had so much compassion and many times when I cried, she would also have tears in her eyes. She is truly meant to be a nurse and help others. When I was discharged from the hospital she wheeled me to the car and gave me a big hug. I felt like I was leaving one of my best friends. I want to honor her with this nomination because she truly deserves it. She is one nurse I will always remember.