Deanna Saunders
December 2023
Women's Services
Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford
United States




Deanna did not hesitate and told her to come to the hospital; she would meet her here and be there with her for support.
Deanna is our childbirth educator. She is always going above and beyond, working and spending one-on-one time with our patients before they ever deliver in our hospital.

We recently had a patient who had taken a class taught by Deanna to prepare her for childbirth. During the time between the class and delivering, the patient found out that her baby had passed in utero (fetal demise). She was scheduled to come in for an induction, but her water broke sooner, and her family was not available to be with her at the time. She called Deanna and asked what she should do. Deanna did not hesitate and told her to come to the hospital; she would meet her here and be there with her for support. This just shows how much compassion Deanna has for our community and how she goes above and beyond for our patients.