Danielle Anzaldo
December 2023
Case Management
Lompoc Valley Medical Center
United States




Danielle's empathy and selflessness in navigating the complexities of insurance acquisition in a time-sensitive medical crisis underscore her commitment to going the extra mile for those under her care.
I am writing to nominate Danielle Anzaldo for the prestigious DAISY Award in recognition of her extraordinary dedication, selflessness, and empathy demonstrated in a recent case that truly exemplifies the spirit of compassionate patient care.

In a situation that required unwavering commitment and an exceptional display of empathy, Danielle Anzaldo, our dedicated case manager, went above and beyond to assist an Emergency Department patient facing a critical and time-sensitive situation.

The patient, in need of a heart transplant, had been accepted at the USC Keck transplant center. However, a significant hurdle emerged when it was discovered that the patient lacked the necessary insurance coverage for the transfer. Understanding the urgency of the situation and the potential consequences of delayed action, Danielle invested several days and countless hours to facilitate the acquisition of insurance for the patient.

Her tireless efforts and selfless commitment played a pivotal role in securing the insurance needed for the patient's transfer to the heart transplant center. Without Danielle's intervention, the patient would have faced the harrowing prospect of remaining in the Emergency Department, with her heart function steadily declining while awaiting insurance approval for the life-saving transfer.

Danielle's actions showcase not only her exceptional professional skills but also her profound dedication to the well-being of our patients. Her empathy and selflessness in navigating the complexities of insurance acquisition in a time-sensitive medical crisis underscore her commitment to going the extra mile for those under her care.

In recognition of Danielle Anzaldo's outstanding qualities of empathy, dedication, and selflessness, I wholeheartedly nominate her for the DAISY Award. Her actions exemplify the highest standards of compassionate, patient-centered care and make her truly deserving of this prestigious honor.