Curtis Rodriguez
December 2020
SPHP St. Peter's Hospital




To this day, over every other nurse he had, he still talks about Curtis.
My father was a patient on your floor and stayed on your floor while awaiting a CABG after being transferred from where I work as a PCU RN. I wanted to reach out to you in regards to Curtis Rodriguez, who took care of my dad for a few days while he was on your floor.
Curtis was incredible. The need for a CABG came as a huge surprise to my family and me, and Curtis helped my dad to feel much more comfortable during such a scary time. Curtis was well educated, helping my dad to understand everything that was happening along the way, and made my family feel welcome while we visited. He was also friendly and funny, which helped my dad to feel much more at ease and made the hospital stay less dreadful. When we were not visiting, my dad would call me up and tell me everything Curtis was doing and how much he liked him. To this day, over every other nurse he had, he still talks about Curtis.
I cannot express my gratitude towards Curtis. I am so thankful to have someone like him taking care of my dearest family member. I wanted to make sure he is recognized for his caring work.
A month later and I am still brought to tears as I think back on this experience, so please thank Curtis again for me. Thank you.