August 2022
Family Birth Center
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
United States




When Constance is our charge nurse, I feel like our unit can tackle anything that comes our way.
I came to the FBC as an intern in 2016. Constance was one of my preceptors to labor and delivery and then to triage. She has helped me grow into the labor and delivery nurse that I am today. She is always teaching me new things in this career and encouraging me to spread my wings and fly farther than I ever thought possible. She is always up to date on the current policies, procedures and best nursing practices. If ever I have a question about anything, Constance is the nurse I would ask first. If she doesn't know the answer, then you better bet that she will find it. When Constance is our charge nurse, I feel like our unit can tackle anything that comes our way.

Recently, I've seen Constance, as a charge nurse, personally give one of our new grads a break while they've had a patient pushing for a lengthy amount of time. She has also come in to troubleshoot finding contractions with one of our new orientees as well as helping support one our new fellows (getting patients into different positions, fluid bolus, calling providers, etc.) when their patient was having several decelerations. These are just a few of the examples that I have witnessed recently that show how Constance is a team player.

Constance is always on the lookout on how to help each of her teammates. She is always watching all of the labor strips and listening to conversations in regards to care of the patients and offering suggestions for assistance and guidance so that the patients can receive the best and safest possible care. Constance consistently lives up to the values and mission of PeaceHealth. I am so grateful to work with her on our team.