Colin H
April 2023
Colin H
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans School of Nursing
New Orleans
United States




We all need someone like Colin to work beside us, especially when the going gets tough, and to provide us with pep talks when needed.
I had the pleasure of instructing Colin during his first clinical rotation. A rapid response was called on a patient he was caring for, and I watched him confidently jump into action to assist the nursing staff in any way that he could. He gathered equipment and supplies, helped to position the patient, and was able to provide patient information when asked. He even provided the primary nurse with an occasional, "You are doing so great!" We all need someone like Colin to work beside us, especially when the going gets tough, and to provide us with pep talks when needed. Colin embodies the truest definition of a nurse and I can't wait to see his progression through nursing school.